
Ctrl paint 3d art
Ctrl paint 3d art

ctrl paint 3d art

ctrl paint 3d art

That’s of course hard to tell, but I’m a hobbyist that needs assessing and systematizing the knowledge, not really learning it from 0.

  • can be portrait drawing, figure drawing, landscapes, can be everything - actually the more general art course, the better for my case.
  • I want one complete course, can be divided into parts.

  • I’m not a complete beginner, I don’t think drawing 250 boxes is something I will have a patience to do - I’d like to skip most of the “learn how to make a nice line” exercises and go to anatomy or composition or stuff - I mean it can start there, just I won’t pay that much attention there.
  • Videos are fine if they’re not too long and they’re not just “look how I draw a fox” without any speed-up
  • I don’t really like long videos… I prefer just images.
  • ctrl paint 3d art

    So I thought: maybe I should take online courses? But in an actual art school located in my area, or something like Skillshare or Drawabox? Maybe you will have some ideas? What I’m looking for: I wanted to take regular art classes this spring, but now it’s of course impossible.

    Ctrl paint 3d art